DHS - Gambling Harm Support SA
Spot the Harm, Stop the Harm .

Each year almost 40,000 South Australians engage in moderate to high-risk gambling, with the effects of their behaviour taking a toll on the wider community.  

Gambling harm is commonly thought of as only financial. However, there’s a point when gambling shifts from a pastime to a problem, which can often be identified by small, subtle changes in behaviour, attitude, even appearance.  


Low risk gamblers think of their pastime as a ‘bit of harmless fun’. We wanted to hold a mirror to them, so they could recognise the harm they could be doing to themselves or those around them.

Creative Solution

The campaign shows how gambling can creep into your life and your thoughts, well after you’ve placed your last bet. We wanted to challenge the audience’s perception of ‘gambling harm’ and provide a strong call to action, so that if they can check their behaviour before it becomes an issue. 


This campaign has been well received by client and stakeholders.  The aim of this campaign will be a reduction in low-risk gamblers transitioning to medium and high-risk behaviour. We’re confident that this will be reflected in upcoming Department of Human Services data.

DHS - Gambling Harm Support SA
Spot the Harm, Stop the Harm "Pub"
DHS - Gambling Harm Support SA
Spot the Harm, Stop the Harm "Instant"
DHS - Gambling Harm Support SA
Spot the Harm, Stop the Harm "Multi"
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We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Kaurna people, the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we gather on.
We respect and value their creativity, their stories and cultural beliefs from elders past, present and emerging.
08 8232 3022 Kaurna Country
60A Glen Osmond Road
Parkside SA 5063
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